Library Policies

All of the library policies are listed here, please click on the links below to view the full policy.

Our Library has a handicapped ramp with an easy open door for those patrons with walkers, wheelchairs or guardians with strollers, and our aisles are easily accessible width-wise. A municipal parking lot is diagonally across the street. The Library has an elevator and a handicap accessible bathroom.

For people with vision problems we have CD audio books and playaways.

Mamaroneck Public Library is committed to providing access to the information on our website to people of all abilities. We have made a good faith effort to comply with the guidelines outlined in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), however, if you find issues or have trouble navigating the website, please email.

The Board of Trustees of the Mamaroneck Public Library District is dedicated to providing an atmosphere conductive to the enjoyment of library facilities where people of all ages may read, study, use library equipment and participate in library activities and programs.

The Board of Trustees is authorized to establish rules and regulations for the protection of library resources, patrons, staff and the physical building. The Library Director is authorized and directed by the Board of Trustees to interpret and enforce these rules and regulations in the best interest of library users. Therefore, the following Code of Conduct has been established for all library users – children, young adults, and adults:

In general, behavior that violates the law, interferes with the use and enjoyment of the library by others, or interferes with a library employee’s performance of his or her duties, is prohibited. Anyone whose behavior is not in compliance with the Code of Conduct will be asked to leave the building.

We expect our patrons to:

  • Follow established loan procedures before taking library property or materials out of the building.
  • Adhere to the guidelines in the library’s Safe Child Policy (see on the Library Policies listed on this page)
  • Comply with the library’s Computer/Internet Use Policy (see on the Library Policies listed on this page) when using any computer in the library. This includes laptops or other personal devices that access the library’s wireless network.
  • Use library furniture, equipment, and materials properly and for their intended functions.
  • Refrain from entering non-public areas such as offices, workrooms, and storage areas.
  • Leave the library promptly at closing time.
  • Attend to personal belongings. The library is not responsible for personal belongings left in or on library property.
  • Observe Public Health codes. Library users must be fully clothed and wear shoes. Bare feet are not permitted.
  • Use restrooms only for their intended use.
  • Maintain acceptable personal hygiene. If personal hygiene is sufficiently offensive to constitute a nuisance, the patron may be required to leave the library.
  • Turn cell phone ringers off or to vibrate when entering the library. Discreet cell phone use is permitted as long as users are considerate of others by speaking in a low voice. Library staff can request proper noise levels be maintained so as not to interfere with other patrons’ use and enjoyment of the library. No talking on cellphones is allowed in areas designated as quiet zones.
  • Use meeting rooms appropriately and as scheduled. Groups using these rooms are expected to adhere to the guidelines in the Library’s Meeting Room Policy (see on the Library Policies listed on this page).
  • Consume food and beverages only in designated areas. Beverages must have lids.

The following behaviors and activities are not permitted:

  • Use of abusive language towards staff or other patrons; distribution of materials; placing of feet on furniture; leaving or storing personal belongings; loitering; obstructing aisles, walkways or seating; rearranging or moving library property; soliciting; running; or sleeping in the library.
  • Sexual activity of any kind, including excessive public displays of affection, sexual harassment, and indecent exposure.
  • Noise levels that disturb others. Personal electronic devices, such as computers, cassette/CD players, MP3s, and radios, may only be used with earphones.
  • Defacement of the interior of the library, including but not limited to walls, furniture, windows, and elevators. Defacement of the exterior of the library, including but not limited to walls, patio, furniture, windows, plantings, shrubs and surrounding property.
  • Rollerblading, skateboarding, ball playing and other sports. These activities are prohibited inside and also on the outdoor premises of the library.
  • Presence of animals in the library beyond the main lobby, except those needed to assist a patron with a disability or any animals used in library programs.
  • Being under the influence of alcohol or drugs on library property. The use of alcohol and drugs is prohibited on library property inside and outside. The Board of Trustees or the Library Director may grant exceptions to the use of alcohol for specific programs or events.
  • Smoking or using “smokeless” products including e-cigarettes anywhere in the library, including the lobby, meeting rooms, restrooms, hallways and elevator, or on the outdoor premises of the library.

Important – Please Note:

Library personnel on duty are authorized to ask persons who violate these rules to leave the library and library premises immediately. Violators of these rules may be banned from the library premises.

Adopted September 22, 2010
Amended March 26, 2014

Type of items Fine per day Maximum fine
All Adult & YA items not listed below 10¢/day $5
All Juvenile items not listed below FREE FREE
All DVDs and Playaways 50¢/day $5
Express books 25¢/day $5
Museum Passes $5.00/day
All ILL items brought in from outside WLS $2/day $25
Hot Spots $2.00/day

Fines are determined by the owning library.

The Mamaroneck Library outside book return is open 24 hours. Items for which the case has already been returned (such as individual CDs or DVDs), Museum passes, ILL books, may not be returned in the book drop. Any other item which fits through the slot without jamming it may be returned in this fashion.

Items placed into the book return by 9:00am Monday-Saturday, or by 12:30pm on Sunday will be considered returned the previous day, or the last day that the library was open prior to the return.

Mamaroneck Library does not charge fines on items checked out of this library for days on which the library is closed or on which the library closes at 1pm.

As a courtesy the library system will try to contact patrons if an item is two weeks overdue. If an item is 60 days overdue, a lost charge will appear on the patron’s account.

The computers total up existing fines from overdue items which have been returned or renewed late, plus estimated fines on items currently overdue. It will estimate how much in fines would be owed if the overdue items were to be returned that day, and add that amount to any fines already accrued. If the total of existing and estimated fines is $25.00 or more, the account will be blocked system-wide from further checkouts or renewals until the fine total has been reduced below that threshold.

Online Bill Payment

We are happy to introduce online bill pay for your convenience!  Our Library patrons can pay all or individual bills. A $2.50 convenience fee is added to the transaction so that libraries receive the full amount of bills owed.
  • To log into your account click here.  You will need your library card number and pin.
  • Go to the Fines tab. It displays all bills and the total to be paid.
  • Select which bill(s) to pay.
  • Check the box to accept the terms and conditions and click the Pay button. Payment information, including the convenience fee, displays.
  • Choose a payment type, fill in credit card information, an email address to receive a receipt, and click the Submit button.
  • The Transaction Complete screen will load when your payment is accepted.

Questions? Please call the Reference Desk of the Mamaroneck Library @ (914) 630-5888 with any questions on this service.

* Since June 2018, we have stopped charging fines for juvenile materials borrowed; any fines accrued prior to then will have to be paid.

Type of items Circulation Period Items
Express (Books/AV) 1 week 75 books/1 AV
New/Travel Books 2 weeks 75
Other books, Fiction/Non-Fiction 3 weeks 75
DVDs 1-2 discs, 1 week, 3 or more, 2 weeks 10/20
CDs/MP3s/Audiobooks/Playaways 3 weeks 20
Magazine 1 week 20
Hot Spot 3 weeks

The Mamaroneck Public Library provides free access to the Internet in accordance with its mission to provide information of all types in a wide range of formats. This Computer/Internet Policy affirms the principles of intellectual freedom, equity of access, and confidentiality of information about users and their use of library resources.

The Internet is a vast and unregulated information network. The Library does not monitor and has no control over information on the Internet. Not all the information is accurate, current or complete. Users are encouraged to exercise critical judgment in evaluating information that is accessed through the Internet. The Library cannot protect users from information and images that they may find offensive or disturbing. The Library assumes responsibility only for the information provided on its home page.

Since the Library computer terminals are located in public areas that are shared by persons of all ages, backgrounds and sensibilities, computer users are asked to consider this when viewing potentially offensive images. The Library reserves the right to require individuals to discontinue the display of images that cause a disruption.

Parents or legal guardians must assume responsibility for deciding which Library resources are appropriate for their children. Use of computers in the Children’s Room is limited to children and their accompanying parents or caregivers. Children who use the Internet unsupervised may be exposed to inappropriate and disturbing information and images. We encourage parents to learn about the Internet so that they can teach their children how to use technology properly and to make wise choices.
Library users are cautioned that the Internet is not a secure medium and all transactions, files and communications are vulnerable to unauthorized access and, therefore, should be considered public. The Library will not release information on the use of electronic resources by members of the public except as required by law.

Acceptable Use Guidelines

All individuals are expected to use the Library’s computer terminals in a responsible and courteous way, consistent with the educational, informational and recreational purposes for which all Library resources are provided. Use of computers or the Internet for activities that violate local, state or federal laws is prohibited. This includes activities such as viewing child pornography, committing fraud, hacking, libeling or threatening.

The following rules, regulations and procedures have been established for acceptable use standards:

  • The number of computer terminals is limited and will be available on a first-come, first-served basis whether in person or by telephone reservation.
  • The Library reserves the right to limit the amount of time an individual may use library equipment.
  • Individuals may not alter or damage hardware, software or data or in any way interfere with, disrupt or degrade the network.
  • Library terminals may not be used to transmit threatening, harassing or abusive language and images.
  • Individuals may not invade the privacy of others by ‘hovering’ over them while they use the terminals. No more than two people may use a terminal at the same time.
  • Individuals may not misrepresent themselves as another user or attempt to modify, gain access or reveal passwords or personally identifiable information pertaining to others.
  • U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S. Code) prohibits the unauthorized reproduction or distribution of copyrighted materials, except as permitted by the principles of fair use. The Library expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility resulting from copyright infringement or any violation of local, state or federal laws in the use of terminals.

Failure to abide by these guidelines may result in the suspension or loss of computer and other Library privileges.

Adopted November 4, 2004
Amended July 28, 2010

Article I

Section 1. Name and Principal Office

The name of this institution as enacted by the People of the State of New York in 1992, shall be The Mamaroneck Public Library District and shall be located in the Village of Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New York.

Section 2. Mission

The Mamaroneck Public Library District welcomes and supports all members of the community in their enjoyment of reading and pursuit of lifelong learning. The Library provides equal access to information, opportunity, ideas and knowledge through printed and electronic media and programs for people of all ages. The Library offers a safe, attractive and comfortable environment. In the Library everyone has the freedom to read, to learn, to discover.

Article II

Section 1. Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees, shall consist of eleven (11) duly elected members and shall manage, operate and control The Mamaroneck Public Library District.

Section 2. Elections and Term of Office

Candidates for the office of member of the Board of Trustees shall be qualified voters of the district and shall be nominated by petition as set forth in the State Resolution. Elections shall be conducted by the Board of Trustees, annually in accordance with all legal requirements, at a time and place to be determined by the Board.

The term of office shall commence on the first day of June next following the election and shall be for three years. Each Trustee shall be eligible to serve a maximum of three consecutive terms.

(Amended April 23, 2003, August 22, 2012)

Section 3. Vacancies

Whenever a vacancy on the Board of Trustees shall occur for any reason, the vacancy shall be filled at the next duly scheduled election. The Board of Trustees may appoint an interim trustee to serve until the next annual election, at which time the remainder of the term shall be filled by a candidate duly elected at such election. Approval of an interim trustee shall be made by a vote of two thirds of the members of the Board of Trustees, providing that notice of the proposed appointment has been sent to each member of the Board at least five and not more than fifteen days prior to said meeting.

(Amended April 23, 2003)

No vacancy upon the Board of Trustees to be filled shall be considered a separate specific office.

(Amended February 26, 1997)

Section 4. Resignation

To resign, any trustee should give written notice thereof to the President or Vice-President of the Board. Any such resignation shall take effect at the time specified therein, or in the absence of such time specified, upon its receipt.

(Amended April 23, 2003)

Section 5. Officers

The Board of Trustees each year shall elect or appoint a President and a Vice-President, who shall be members of the Board; a Clerk-Treasurer, hereafter known as Treasurer, and other such officers as they deem necessary.

(Amended April 23, 2003, May 28, 2003)

An Officer Nominating Committee consisting of two Trustees shall be appointed by the President at the April meeting to nominate officers of the Board for the following year. The nominations shall be voted on by the Board at the June meeting. No member of the nominating committee shall be eligible to serve as an officer for the coming year. If the committee is split in its nominations for any office, the current President will have the power to break that tie. Further nominations can be made from the floor at the meeting.

(Added April 23, 2003)

Article III

Section 1. Duties of Officers

The President shall preside at meetings of the Board of Trustees, including special meetings, and shall serve as liaison between the Board and the Library administration. The Vice-President shall serve in the absence of the President.

The Treasurer shall function as the chief financial officer and shall be the custodian of all funds of the Library District including gifts and trust funds paid over to the Trustees.

The Treasurer shall expend funds in the Library’s custody, only on specific authorization by the Board of Trustees.

(Amended August 22, 2012)

The Treasurer shall keep such records and in such manner as the Board of Trustees may require.

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in these Bylaws, or in any Board, administrative and/or internal rule, policy or procedure:

(i) retention of legal counsel shall be the sole and exclusive responsibility, and function, of the Board of Trustees; and

(ii) whenever the Board votes to retain legal counsel, the President shall be authorized to execute any corresponding retainers and/or engagement letters on behalf of the Board, along with any other contracts for legal and/or consulting services related to such legal representation; and

(iii) all invoices, for any type of legal services or expenses, or other legal or consulting services attendant hereto, shall be submitted directly to the Board of Trustees; c/o the President, who shall present them to the full Board; and

(iv) when authorized by the Board of Trustees pursuant to a duly-adopted vote, the Treasurer shall issue payment for all such legal or consulting services and/or expenses in the amounts directed.

Section 2. Committees

The President of the Board of Trustees shall from time to time appoint committees determined to be necessary to serve the functions of the Mamaroneck Public Library District. There shall be a standing Budget Committee and others as the Board deems necessary.

(Amended August 22, 2012)

There shall also be a special By-Laws Committee. It should reconvene every five years, or sooner if determined by the President.

(Amended April 23, 2003)

Section 3. Meetings

Regular meetings of the Board of Trustees shall be held at least ten (10) times a year at the Library in accordance with all applicable laws.

(Amended August 22, 2012)

Special meetings may be called at any time, by the President or upon direction of a quorum of the Board, in accordance with all applicable laws.

Section 4. Notice of Meetings

Notice of meetings shall be announced in accordance with all applicable laws.

Section 5. Quorum

For transaction of business, six (6) members of the Board of Trustees present shall constitute a quorum, unless otherwise required by law or provisions of the By-Laws.

Article IV

Section 1. Library Director

The Board of Trustees shall appoint a Library Director, who shall be responsible for the execution of policies adopted by the Board of Trustees.

Article V

Section 1. Finances

The Board of Trustees of the Mamaroneck Public Library District shall annually present to the residents of the Library District and the Clerk of the Village of Mamaroneck, a proposed budget in accordance with all State Charter Mandates and applicable laws.

The Board of Trustees may accept on behalf of the district any absolute gift, devise or bequest as it shall by resolution approve.

Article VI

Section 1. Amendments

These By-Laws may be amended or repealed by a vote of two thirds of the members of the Board of Trustees, providing that notice of the proposed amendment or proposed repeal has been mailed to each member of the Board at least five and not more than fifteen days prior to said meeting.

Adopted July 20, 1994

Amended February 26, 1997, April 23, 2003, May 28, 2003, August 22, 2012, June 12, 2024)

The Mamaroneck Public Library is a place for learning and growth, and we encourage all patrons to enjoy what the library has to offer the community. In order to be able to provide the best possible service, we ask that you adhere to the following rules regarding children in the library:

  • Ultimate responsibility for the behavior and safety of children visiting the library rests with the parent or caregiver.
  • Parents, caregivers, and group leaders must be aware that the library staff cannot be held responsible for the safety and security of unattended children.
  • Children seven years old and younger must be accompanied at all times by a parent or by a caregiver who is at least 11 years old.
  • Children eight and over may be left unattended at the discretion of a responsible adult, but children must not be left for an excessively long period of time. Unattended children of elementary school age are restricted to the children’s library.
  • Parents and caregivers must be aware of the closing times of the library. If a child is left in the library at closing time, the parent or caregiver will be called. If a parent or caregiver is not available, the police will be contacted to escort the abandoned child.
  • Children who are disorderly or disruptive, who create a security or safety issue, or who become a danger to themselves or to others anywhere on library property, will be asked to correct their behavior.
  • Should the behavior continue, the child will be asked to leave the library.

Disruptive Behavior

Disruptive behavior consists of running, yelling, using abusive language, damaging library property, or any other behavior that interferes with the use of the library by other patrons. This will be determined at the discretion of library staff.

Adopted February 9, 2011